Saturday, June 5, 2010

Augmented Learning Free

Augmented Learning
Author: Eric Klopfer
Binding: Kindle Edition

Augmented Learning: Research and Design of Mobile Educational Games

New technology has brought with it new tools for learning, and research has shown
that the educational potential of video games resonates with scholars, teachers, and students alike. Get Augmented Learning computer books for free.
br />In Augmented Learning, Eric Klopfer describes the largely untapped potential of mobile learning
games--games played on such handheld devices as cell phones, Game Boys, and Sony PSPs--to make a
substantial impact on learning. Examining mobile games from both educational and gaming
perspectives, Klopfer argues that the strengths of the mobile platform--its portability, context
sensitivity, connectivity, and ubiquity--make it ideal for learning games in elementary, secondary,
university, and lifelong education. Klopfer begins by ex Check Augmented Learning our best computer books for 2013. All books are available in pdf format and downloadable from rapidshare, 4shared, and mediafire.


Augmented Learning Free

br />In Augmented Learning, Eric Klopfer describes the largely untapped potential of mobile learning
games--games played on such handheld devices as cell phones, Game Boys, and Sony PSPs--to make a
substantial impact on learning Klopfer begins by ex

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