Saturday, March 3, 2012

C++ For Game Programmers

C++ For Game Programmers
Author: Mike Dickheiser
Edition: 2
Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1584504528

C++ For Game Programmers (Game Development Series)

C++ for Game Programmers, second edition is a completely updated and expanded edition of this best-selling reference. Get C++ For Game Programmers computer books for free.
As with the first edition, the book is not intended to replace foundational C++ books and reference material: instead, it supplements them by putting everything into perspective from a game-development point of view. The book points out the most effective C++ practices and steers you away from the potentially dangerous ones. It describes common C++ techniques to solve specific problems most game developers face. The second edition includes a wide variety of new, improved examples and illustrations, while preserving the core material from inheritance, performance, memory management, and STL to object creation, object serialization, Check C++ For Game Programmers our best computer books for 2013. All books are available in pdf format and downloadable from rapidshare, 4shared, and mediafire.


C++ For Game Programmers Free

The second edition includes a wide variety of new, improved examples and illustrations, while preserving the core material from inheritance, performance, memory management, and STL to object creation, object serialization,

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